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This research aims to describe the collaboration in achieving the Adipura awards in Palu city. The research ultilizes Ansell and Gash’s theory of Collaborative Governance, which includes four indicators : initial conditions, institutional design, leadership, and the collaborative process. This study employs a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, documentation, and literature review. The research findings indicate that based on the four indicators, the collaborative governance between the City Government and Tadulako University in achieving the Adipura award in Palu City shows that the initial conditions, institutional design, snd leadership are already optimal. However, the collaborative process is not yet optimal. This is evident in the commitment and understanding of students, which are still lacking in depth. Students admit that their understanding of Adipura and related issues is still insufficient, and their commitment tends to be individual and pragmatic, without a deep understanding of the objectives and context of their work programs. Therefore, the achieve better collaboration, there needs to be an improvement in the understanding and commitment of student towards Adipura and related environmental issues

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How to Cite
Merlia, S. U., M Nur Alamsyah, & Rusmawaty Bte Rusdin. (2024). COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE IN REALIZING ADIPURA IN PALU CITY. Jurnal Studi Inovasi Pemerintahan, 1(1), 121-136. Retrieved from


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  27. Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik Indonesia Nomor 6 Tahun 2014

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