Main Article Content
This research aims to analyze the Implementation of Electronic Government in the SAPK Application System at the Central Sulawesi Province Regional Civil Service Agency Office referring to the measurement of Electronic Government Implementation according to Rianto and Sustainable. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, with the aim of obtaining a contextual picture and understanding in depth the process of implementing the Personnel Service System implemented by the Central Sulawesi Province Regional Personnel Agency. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of the Personnel Service Application System in the BKD Office of Central Sulawesi Province. Not Effective Yet. With the Application assessment model from Rianto and Letari as an analytical tool. There are five assessment criteria that have not been met in its implementation, namely: (1) Hardware. This point has not been met because in this agency the number of employees who are able to operate the Personnel Management Application System (SAPK) with the available technology is still limited, so at the beginning the implementation of Electronic Government in this SAPK program from 2013 until now BKD employees are still not adapting (2) Software, the ability of BKD employees to manage employee data is not yet up to date even though there are statements from informants that they have carried out socialization about this system. (3) Data and Information, the data produced by BKD in running the online-based personnel service administration system is still not up to expectations because the information produced from managing personnel data is not yet accurate and relevant. (4) Communication, in the early years of SAPK implementation was not optimal due to communication problems between various parties concerned between the BKD and civil servants in each (5) Attitude of the Implementers, the response of users from the implementation of SAPK in the Sulawesi Province BKD in the middle of implementing SAPK was not yet well realized in various fields in the BKD of Central Sulawesi province.
Article Details
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