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This study examines the effectiveness of political debates on the tendency of voters to make political choices on the candidate pairs for mayor and vice mayor of Palu. The research used descriptive-qualitative method. The research was conducted in West Mamboro Village, North Palu Sub-district, Palu City. The location of this village was chosen through the consideration that West Mamboro Village is one of the areas in North Palu Sub-district, where the indigenous population (Kaili tribe) and immigrant population (migrant tribe) are quite balanced in number, so that the pattern of the community is quite diverse when viewed from the aspects of ethnicity, religion, education, occupation, compared to other villages. The results showed that political debates were not effective in influencing people's political preferences. People's political preferences (attitudes) in making choices on the pairs of candidates for mayor and deputy mayor of Palu in 2020, are more likely and very strongly shaped by the allure (personal) factors of candidate figures. Despite this, voters in the West Mamboro urban village area believe that the candidates will be able to realise their vision-mission and policy programmes if elected. Voters still believe that the four candidate pairs are very committed to the political promises made through various campaign media.
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