Research Result Standard

The manuscript must contain accurate data and results and an objective discussion regarding the significance of this research. Furthermore, the manuscript must also contain sufficient novelty and literature to be used as a reference for future research. Inaccurate and intentionally described data, results, and discussions constitute is unethical and unacceptable behavior.

Data Access and Retention

The Author grants the Editorial Board a non-exclusive right to retain and disseminate data and research results in any form and open so that they are freely accessible and downloaded by the public.

Originality and Plagiarism

Each Author must guarantee that the submitted manuscript is their written work. Some parts of the manuscript are scientific works of other parties, so they must include the source of this quotation using the APA Style format.

Multiple, Redundant and Concurrent Publications

Each Author is not allowed to submit manuscripts that describe the data, results, and essence of the same research discussion in other journal publishers. In addition, it is also not allowed to submit scientific articles that have been published in other journal publishers for later review in this journal publisher. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal publisher at the same time is unethical and unacceptable behavior.

Source Confession

Every Author must confess and give appreciation to the scientific work of other parties. Therefore, the Author must cite the contents of scientific works that have contributed to writing this manuscript.

Manuscript Contributor

The Authors listed should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, conduct, or interpretation of the research in the manuscript. Correspondence Author must ensure that all registered Authors have seen and approved the latest version of the manuscript for publication as a scientific article.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Each Author must disclose anything and anyone who supports, including financial support, during the research process. This disclosure is to identify and anticipate things that can affect the description or interpretation of the results and discussion of research in the manuscript. Furthermore, this disclosure can also avoid legal problems after this manuscript is published as a scientific article.

Fundamental Errors in Articles

For any Author who finds significant errors or inaccuracies in their published articles, the Author must immediately contact the Editorial Board, Principal Contact, or Support Contact of the publisher of this journal. The information is so helpful that Authors can be linked back to the Editor to cancel or correct this article.