Dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Sulawesi Tengah.

Jl. Soekarno – Hatta Km. 9, Mantikulore, Kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, 94118
Telp. (0451) 422 611 – 422 355
email : fisip@untad.ac.id


  • Kinesik

    KINESIK (E-ISSN: 2302-2035) journal focuses on research and contemporary thinking in the field of Communication Studies in various angles/perspectives. such as:

    1. Media, New Media, and Communication Technologies

    2. Audio/Visual Communications

    3. Marketing Communications

    4. Political-Communications

    5. Educational-Communications

    6. Journalism

    7. Public Relations

    8. Broadcasting

  • Journal of Public Administration and Government

    Journal of Public Administration and Government (JPAG) is registered with number ISSN 2685-1032 (Online), ISSN 2684-8406 (Print) is a scientific journal published by the University of Tadulako, Palu. Faculty of  Social Sciences and political sciences, Public Administration study program, in collaboration with the network of Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA).

    The journal is published two times a year in April and October. The purpose of this publication is to disseminate ideas and research results in the fields of public administration and governance. JPAG aims to publish conceptual articles, reviews, and research in the fields of public administration and governance, particularly focusing on the main problems in the development of the science of public administration and governance studies. Includes the development of Government policy, public administration, public management, the study of the autonomous region, the local government and bureaucracy, policy analysis, public service, political decentralization, fiscal, public economics and politics as well as regional planning and studies other social sciences. 

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  • Social Humanity: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora

    Social Humanity adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diperuntukkan bagi akademisi dan profesional untuk berbagi hasil penelitian terbaru tentang ilmu sosial, budaya, psikologi, dan praktek humaniora.

    Jurnal ini fokus pada publikasi hasil-hasil penelitian sosial, budaya, psikologi, dan humaniora

  • Jurnal Reinventing

    Jurnal Reinventing (JR) is registered with number ISSN 2337-4268 (Print) is a scientific journal that focuses on issues of government, politics, public policy and good governance published by the Laboratory of Government Science Study Programme, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia. This journal is published twice a year, May and November. This journal publishes research papers and thoughts related to the following topics:  Political governance, Government innovation, Governance, Good corporate governance and village.

  • Tadulako Mengabdi: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

    Tadulako Mengabdi: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik dan diterbitkan oleh Universitas Tadulako dengan proses peer review. Menerbitkan artikel yang merupakan hasil dari kegiatan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat bidang pendidikan, sosial, pengembangan sumberdaya manusia, teknologi tepat guna, pertanian dan kesehatan.
    Tadulako Mengabdi: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat terbit dua kali setahun yaitu Bulan Mei dan Oktober. Artikel yang telah publish dapat didownload secara gratis, dibaca dan disebrluaskan sebagai rujukan artikel selanjutnya.

  • Cultural Diversity: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya

    Cultural Diversity: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya is a scholarly publication dedicated to the exploration and analysis of contemporary rituals and traditions from diverse cultural, social, and religious contexts. The journal provides a platform for interdisciplinary research and critical discourse on the significance, evolution, and meaning of rituals and traditions in the modern world.

  • ANTRO: Antropologi Tadulako Research Journal

    ANTRO: Antropologi Tadulako Research Journal is a scientific publication published every January-June and July-December. Articles published are the result of selection with a double-blind review system. ANTRO: Antropologi Tadulako Research Journal only accepts relevant research manuscripts with research results dedicated to the exploration and analysis of contemporary cultures and traditions from diverse historical, cultural, and social contexts. The journal provides a platform for interdisciplinary research and critical discourse on the significance, evolution, and meaning of rituals and traditions in the modern world.

    ANTRO: Antropologi Tadulako Research Journal welcomes contributions from academics, researchers, and practitioners working in various fields such as anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, folklore, and performance studies. The journal publishes original research articles, theoretical discussions, comparative analyses, and case studies that highlight various aspects of contemporary rituals and traditions, including their cultural, social, psychological, and symbolic dimensions. In addition, ANTRO: Antropologi Tadulako Research Journal also processes previously unpublished manuscripts.

  • JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies

    JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies adalah publikasi ilmiah yang terbit setiap 4 kali dalam setahun yakni pada bulan Februari, Mei, Agustus, November. Jurnal ini menerima artikel yang relevan dengan isu-isu kepublikan seperti Kebijakan dan Manajemen Publik, Collaborative Governance, Desentralisasi dan Manajemen Bencana. JPS juga menjamin standar publikasi yang tinggi sehingga para akademisi, peneliti, praktisi di semua bidang mendapatkan ruang untuk berdiskusi teori-teori dan konseptual ilmu sosial secara terbuka. Semua naskah yang masuk akan melalui penilaian awal oleh Editor dan jika dianggap layak untuk dipertimbangkan lebih lanjut, akan melalui proses peer-review.