Social Humanity: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora <p>Social Humanity adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diperuntukkan bagi akademisi dan profesional untuk berbagi hasil penelitian terbaru tentang ilmu sosial, budaya, psikologi, dan praktek humaniora.</p> <p><strong>Jurnal ini fokus</strong> pada publikasi hasil-hasil penelitian sosial, budaya, psikologi, dan humaniora</p> en-US (Muhammad Khairil) (Gemilang Bayu Ragil Saputra) Sun, 20 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 COUNSELOR COMMUNICATION PROCESS WITH POST REHABILITATION DRUG CLIENTS OF THE NATIONAL NARCOTICS AGENCY OF CENTRAL SULAWESI PROVINCE <p>The aim of the research is to determine the interpersonal communication process between counselors and clients at the National Narcotics Agency of Central Sulawesi Province, post-rehabilitation section. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with research location. Central Sulawesi Province National Narcotics Agency. In this study, ten people were selected using sampling techniques. Data collection techniques were carried out using in-depth observation. Data analysis techniques use data analysis and qualitative. The results of research related to interpersonal communication between counselors and clients show that the communication process begins with the desire of the communicator, in this case the counselor, to facilitate the client in counseling guidance, the counselor's desire to communicate using words and sentences verbally or in writing so that it can influence the client, the counselor can creating a comfortable atmosphere in counseling guidance, to encode the counselor can formulate the contents of his mind to find out how to communicate by asking questions that do not make the drug client relapse, then the counselor sends messages via counseling guidance to drug clients face to face and monitoring via telephone. After that, the drug client receives a message from the counselor through counseling guidance. The counselor who sends a message via a question will decode this so that it can be understood by the drug client, for the initial goal, namely to return the client to his social function and maintain recovery. Then the drug client will understand the message of the question and will respond or provide a response from the drug client, so that the client will open up and accept the advice and input given by the counselor.</p> Dewi Oktavianty Rais Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Oktavianty Rais Sun, 20 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0700 PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY OF PRATAMA NATURAL SAUNA EATING HOUSE IN ATTRACTING CUSTOMER INTEREST <p>The purpose of this research is to determine the promotional strategy carried out by the Alam Pratama Sauna Restaurant to attract customer interest. The type of research used is qualitative descriptive type. The basis of research in this research is a case study with a total of 3 informants, the data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. The results of the research show that in culinary business competition in the city of Palu, Rumah Makan Sauna Alam Pratama carries out a promotion strategy with interactive marketing/internet marketing via social media Instagram by integrating features such as followers, photo uploads, captions. photos), Instagram stories, Geotagging, Arroba 16, Social networking for sharing photos or videos, Likes, Comments, Instagram camera, Photo effects. Apart from that, Alam Pratama Sauna Restaurant uses Word of Mouth media. In carrying out this promotional strategy, Alam Pratama Sauna Restaurant uses internet marketing as a promotional media, apart from being cheap and easy to use, this media is very effective for spreading promotional information.</p> Mohammad Rizki Ramadhan Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Rizki Ramadhan Sun, 20 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0700 PROMOTION OF PRODUCTS ON FACEBOOK THROUGH COMMUNITY MARKETING <p>Facebook is a medium for promotion to consumers who join community marketing. Community marketing uses Facebook to promote goods or services, making it easy to access almost everyone who has a Facebook account. Another advantage is that the number of members is not limited so that community marketing that synchronizes with the group can promote products to all users who can view the community marketing group. Producers become members of Facebook like users in general. Producers who become members of Facebook can promote their products repeatedly, greet and chat with their consumers so that there is a close relationship between producers and consumers. The purpose of this research is to find out promotions carried out on Facebook through community marketing. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research based on source analysis. The research subject is purposive sampling. The data collection techniques used were participant observation, in-depth interviews. The research results show that promotion carried out by community marketing on Facebook is a process in an online community on Facebook which aims to promote their goods or products to potential consumers who are members of the community. The process of promoting products on Facebook through community marketing uses three promotional techniques, namely Sales Promotion, implementing promotions such as attractive displays, price discounts and samples such as making video demos of the items being promoted. Direct Marketing or direct marketing is an interactive process between consumers and marketers by establishing communication to then get a response as soon as possible from consumers using various media that are not limited to using only one type of media and are closed in nature. Mouth to Mouth is a way of spreading information about goods or services through chat from one person to another, such as sellers promoting each other and the same is done by consumers giving each other information about the products or goods offered by the seller.</p> Mohammad Risky Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Risky Sun, 20 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF THE ROLE OF MOBILE LEGENDS ONLINE GAMER'S GROUP COMMUNICATION IN THE X-COA SQUAD IN UJUNA DISTRICT, PALU CITY <p>This research aims to find out the role of online mobile legends gamer's group communication in the X-coa squad in Ujuna Village, Palu City. This research uses the Beal, Bohlen, and Raudabaugh model of the role of group members, namely group tasks, group maintenance and individual. The informants in this study were 3 people consisting of the squad leader, active squad members and members who had left the squad using a purposive sampling technique, namely determining the criteria determined by the researcher. The data analysis technique in this research uses qualitative data analysis techniques. Using observation, interviews and documentation methods. The results of this research show that the role of mobile legends online game group communication in the X-coa squad occurs while playing games and outside of playing games. In the role of group communication when playing games, open communication occurs. Supported by voice conversation features and instant messages, members are free to communicate the messages they want to convey. However, the message delivery feature provided does not make the communication climate warm when playing games. This is because conflicts often arise due to gamers' behavior, such as playing uncoordinatedly, not providing enough information when there is a lag, not following established rules, the lack of a leader's role in providing understanding about the use of terms in the game, which then triggers rude and impolite language when delivering message. Outside of playing games, the role of squad leader is quite good with the use of communication media in the form of WhatsApp to maintain relationships between fellow members. However, this squad also did not avoid problems because the essence of the conversation that was built in the group was mutually criticizing and inciting each other. Apart from that, problems when playing games are often carried over into their conversations when they are not playing games because there is no resolution provided when conflicts arise between players in the X-coa squad.</p> Hadi Djaya Sasmita Copyright (c) 2024 Hadi Djaya Sasmita Sun, 20 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0700 NATIONAL NARCOTICS AGENCY (BNN) COMMUNICATION STRATEGY IN REDUCING THE NUMBER OF DRUG USERS IN PALU CITY <p>The aim of this research is to look at BNN's communication strategy in the Dipa Program in reducing the number of drug users in Palu City by examining the problems in this research, namely (1) What is BNN's communication strategy in implementing the Dipa program in Palu City, (2) What are the factors? This is the only thing that hinders BNN in implementing the Dipa program in Palu City. Research objectives (1) To determine BNN's communication strategy in implementing the Dipa program in Palu City. (2) To find out the obstacles experienced by BNN in implementing the Dipa program in Palu City. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Location: This research was conducted at the Palu City National Narcotics Agency Office located at Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Palu City. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. The research uses qualitative data analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the research results, it shows that the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Communication Strategy in Reducing the Number of Drug Users in Palu City is by implementing DIPA program activities where the activities start from planning a structured communication strategy in implementing communication strategies in outreach/socialization activities which are generally aimed at in government agencies, educational agencies, the private sector and related community groups, in order to reap the results of the common goal of reducing the number of drug abuse in the city of Palu. Apart from that, looking at the obstacle factors related to human resources, in this case a group of people who are less likely to participate in fulfilling the invitation from BNN if they are not provided with transportation costs for them and lack of coordination from related parties.</p> Andi Mohammad Arief Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Mohammad Arief Sun, 20 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0700 MIDWIFE’S COMMUNICATION STRATEGY IN IMPROVING HEALTHY LIFE OF PREGNANT MOTHERS AT BULURI, ULUJADI DISTRICT <p>This research if to identify the Midwife’s Communication Strategy in Improving Healthy Life of Pregnant Mothers at Buluri, Ulujadi District. The base of this research is to analyze as many data sources as possible using descriptive method. This research is for investigating the activity and human labour. From this research results will be used to give recommendations for future uses. The subjects of this research are pregnant mothers in assumption that know and understand to be giving accurate informations. Data gathering method for this research are using interview and direct observation in the POSYANDU activities. This research proves that pregnant mothers don’t have understanding about healthy diet that pregnant mothers are needed. Other than that, they haven’t yet understand about healthy life and didn’t apply daily healthy life diet.</p> Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Sun, 20 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0700 THE MEANING OF THE LAUJE TRIBE MARRIAGE PROCESSION IN TINOMBO VILLAGE, TINOMBO DISTRICT, PARIGI MOUTONG DISTRICT <p>This research aims to determine the meaning of the non-verbal messages contained in the Lauje Tribe Wedding Procession in Tinombo Village, Tinombo District, Parigi Moutong Regency. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques used being observation and interviews. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative data analysis, which is used without using calculations. The data is then described in the form of sentences or narratives, either obtained from interviews or observations. The results of the research show that in the marriage procession of the Lauje tribe there are symbols and meanings consisting of Kinesik: namely facial messages in the form of smiles that emerge from the faces of the bride and groom which are interpreted as a form of pleasure and joy, gestural messages in the form of movements when rubbing henna leaves on the two The bride and groom's palms are interpreted as praying for the two partners so that their married life will always be in harmony and will be kept away from divorce and the movements used by the bridal couple at the stage of Popopene (mother-in-law) which is interpreted as when the husband and wife come home from the garden and bring The crops from the plantation are what are cooked and eaten together. Apart from that, when the bride incorrectly carries out the stages in Popopene (father-in-law) it will have an impact on their marriage, whether it be on the bride in the household or on their children later. Paralinguistic: the sound of the sambra and drum which is interpreted as a warm welcome to the guests of the Olongian king. Artifactual: Kabayaa (echo) is yellow, symbolizing the descendants of the Olongian king; yellow sarong, symbolizing bravery when facing enemies; The milk chocolate colored jacket symbolizes being the head of the family.</p> Sri Wahyuni Sunuh Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Wahyuni Sunuh Sun, 20 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0700