Social Humanity: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora <p>Social Humanity adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diperuntukkan bagi akademisi dan profesional untuk berbagi hasil penelitian terbaru tentang ilmu sosial, budaya, psikologi, dan praktek humaniora.</p> <p><strong>Jurnal ini fokus</strong> pada publikasi hasil-hasil penelitian sosial, budaya, psikologi, dan humaniora</p> Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Tadulako en-US Social Humanity: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora 2620-5491 STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS ON INFORMATION SHARED BY INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT LAMBE TURAH <p>This study aims to determine student perceptions of LAMBE TURAH's Instagram account information in providing information presented by LAMBE TURAH regarding the lives of celebrities. The research method used in this study is quantitative based on a survey method conducted at the Department of Communication Studies, Tadulako University. The sampling technique of this study is random sampling technique, totaling 52 respondents. The data was collected using a questionnaire with Likert measurement scale. The results showed perceptions related to the information provided by the Lambe Turah Instagram account using the theory of the nature of perception. There are 5 indicators consisting of perception based on experience with an average of 66.28%, selective perception 63.59%, presumptive perception 65.77%, evaluative perception 58.46%, contextual perception 63.72%. Students' perceptions of Lambe Turah's Instagram account information help them in getting information presented by Lambe Turah's Instagram account because the information presented is easy to understand and interesting to read. Also, the lambe turah instagram account is entertaining, refreshing and pleasing to the audience by presenting light and relaxed information according to needs.</p> Eka Yunita Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Yunita Sari 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 3 2 91 103 10.22487/j.sochum.v3i2.1336 THE COMMUNICATION STRATEGY LABUAN SECTOR POLICE TO INCREASE COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION IN CREATING COMMUNITY AWARENESS REGARDING SECURITY AND ORDER <p>The purpose of this study is to find out the Communication Strategy and the obstacles of the Labuan Police Sector to Increase Community Participation in Creating A Community Awareness of Public Order and Security (KAMTIBMAS). The type of research used is descriptive qualitative type. The basis of the research in this study is a case study with a total of 5 (five) informants, data collection techniques used are observation and in-depth interviews. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the communication strategy of the Labuan Sector Police in carrying out KAMTIBMAS activities in its jurisdiction was to identify the communication target which consisted of a reference frame factor from the community background and situation and condition factors sourced from the data and information of the Kamtibmas Supervisory Officer of each village. The study of the purpose of communication messages by the Polsek is generally a message about security and order, the implementation of KAMTIBMAS activities cannot be separated from the media, namely loudspeakers, focus groups, posters and the last component is divided into two aspects, namely the attractiveness of the Polsek and the credibility of the Police or public trust. The inhibiting factors or disruptions to the police communication strategy are technical problems, communication media, namely loudspeakers and infocus audio media, which still depend on electricity. The two semantic disorders are errors in the language used by the Labuan Police so that the audience has difficulty in capturing the message conveyed, this is related to the background of the audience that has not been considered. Lastly, physical obstacles caused by geographical conditions especially during the rainy season.</p> Widya Castra Badaruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Widya Castra Badaruddin 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 3 2 104 111 10.22487/j.sochum.v3i2.1337 101FM NEBULA RADIO BROADCASTING STRATEGY FOR MAINTAINING EXISTENCE AND LISTENING SHARES <p>This research aims to determine the strategy of broadcasting Nebula 101 fm radio in maintaining its existence among listeners. The writer uses descriptive research. Informants were selected by purposive sampling method. The informants selected were Agusta Sri Astuti (senior announcer at Radio Nebula 101Fm), Nana Rachman (junior announcer at Radio Nebula 101 Fm), and Ronny Rotty (Broadcast Manager at Radio Nebula 101 Fm). Data collection methods used are observation and interviews. The process of data analysis through qualitative data analysis methods. From the results of the research, it is known that in radio broadcasts, several steps need to be taken to maintain the continuity of the radio to last a long time and also the listeners of the radio feel comfortable to continue listening to the radio. Nebula FM is 25 years old, but still has an existence among its listeners. Radio implements strategies in the form of (1) Radio Nebula's management does not make Radio Nebula programs on a regular basis, but goes through the planning process and survey process to Nebula listeners, (2) One program has its own listeners, so Radio Nebula knows who the listeners are and that useful for making adlips for advertisements, (3) Radio Nebula adjusts the materials that must be brought on certain programs and the songs played must also be adjusted to the listener's mood at certain hours, (4) Programs that is on Radio Nebula, mostly old-school programming, but designed and presented differently. (5) The classification of existing programs makes radio has a diverse audience mass. Radio Nebula always strives to be able to maintain audiences and make interesting programs so that listeners are not easily left out.</p> Muhammad Agung Irnadi Sumarni Zainuddin Muhammad Isa Yusaputra Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Agung Irnadi, Sumarni Zainuddin, Muhammad Isa Yusaputra 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 3 2 112 122 10.22487/j.sochum.v3i2.1338 STUDY OF INTERNET UTILIZATION ON COMMUNICATION STUDENTS OF FISIP UNTAD FOR THE 2015 <p>Along with the change in the learning paradigm, the success of teaching and learning activities in higher education is not only determined by the factor of the lecturer, but is strongly influenced by the activity of students. Through the internet, students can access various literatures and scientific references that are needed quickly, so as to facilitate the study process. The problem of this research is how to use the internet by students of Fisip Untad Communications class of 2015, and what factors support students of Fisip Untad Communications to use the internet as a medium. This research uses qualitative research with a case study approach. There were four informants in this study. Data collection techniques are observation and interviews. The results showed that some Untad Communication students were familiar with and used the internet as a medium. Each student has a different way of using the internet such as where to access, how long to access the internet, and also the sites accessed by students. The places to access the internet that are often used by students are in internet cafes, at home, and in the environment around campus. Untad Fisip Communications students use the internet as a medium, because the internet can make it easier to find information and course assignments. Factors supporting the use of the internet as a student medium include demands from lecturers to fulfill course assignments, more complete learning resources on the internet, assisting in obtaining course references, making it easier to do assignments, the information available is clearer and more valid, faster in information search, more complete sources of knowledge, hotspots on campus, up to date/new news, lower costs, easy access, curiosity and needs.</p> Muhammad Haikal Sumarni Zainuddin Raisa Alatas Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Haikal, Sumarni Zainuddin, Raisa Alatas 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 3 2 123 150 10.22487/j.sochum.v3i2.1339 THE GATEKEEPER’S DECISION IN DETERMINING NEWS WORTHINESS <p>This study aims to find out what criteria are set by the <em>gatekeeper</em> at the Metrosulawesi Daily in determining whether or not a news item is worthy of publication and to find out what methods are used by <em>gatekeeper</em>s at the Metrosulawesi Daily in resolving news writing errors. This study uses participant observation with a qualitative descriptive research approach as well as using a qualitative content analysis research method that uses a variant approach to the qualitative case study methodology which. The results of this study found that the <em>gatekeeper</em> of the Metrosulawesi daily in determining whether or not a news item was appropriate prioritized the economic aspect as the main guideline in gatekeeping. While the other 6 aspects as mentioned by Bittner only have a small influence on the <em>gatekeeper</em> in determining whether or not a news is worthy. Based on the research obtained, it can be concluded that the gatekeeping process carried out in the Metro Palu rubric is more inclined to the aspect of economic needs. For <em>gatekeeper</em>s in determining whether or not a news is appropriate, the economic aspect is a basic guideline for companies to survive in the middle of media competition in Palu City. The economic aspect in the gatekeeping process in the Metrosulawesi daily can even shift the role of the <em>gatekeeper</em> in selecting every information. This is because the presence of advertisements, sponsors and advetorials is the main source of life for the survival of the Metrosulawesi Daily. In resolving writing or reporting errors, the Metrosulawesi daily chose to meet directly with sources to confirm the reporting errors. Then repackaging the false news, then republish it so that misunderstandings can be resolved without legal action.</p> Tri Ramanandha Saputra Andi Akifah Muhammad Wahid Copyright (c) 2024 Tri Ramanandha Saputra, Andi Akifah, Muhammad Wahid 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 3 2 151 180 10.22487/j.sochum.v3i2.1340 PERSONAL SELLING AS MARKETING COMMUNICATION FOR INDIHOME PRODUCT OF PT. TELKOM PALU <p>This study aims to determine the form of Personal Selling by PT. Telkom as well as knowing the Personal Selling process carried out by PT. Telkom Palu. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative type. The basis of research in this study is a case study, data collection techniques used are observation and in-depth interviews. The data analysis technique used in this research is the data analysis technique of Miles and Huberman's interactive analysis model, namely data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing and verification. The results showed that the form of Personal Selling that occurred at PT. Telkom Palu, namely, (1) retail sales, sales serving prospective customers who come to the company, (2) field sales, sales selling outside the company, and (3) executive sales, PT. Telkom Palu involves agency leaders in product marketing. The Personal Selling process that occurs are, (1) looking for potential customers, sales canvassing related to customer references, (2) preliminary approach, sales start a relationship with the initial steps, namely several personal visits, telephone and sms, (3) approach, sales look attractive and be polite and attentive to potential customers, (4) presentation and demonstration, sales bring supporting tools that support smooth activities, (5) overcome objections, sales when meeting potential customers, by making sales, and listening to all complaints related to IndiHome product problems, (6) closing sales, sales recognizing signs given by customers in the form of statements or comments, and (7) following up, sales ensuring customer satisfaction and repeat purchases. This has been done by PT. Telkom Palu in order to attract interest and increase sales of telecommunication service products.</p> Faisal Sumarni Zainuddin Rizqy Alfiyaty Copyright (c) 2024 Faisal, Sumarni Zainuddin, Rizqy Alfiyaty 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 3 2 181 197 10.22487/j.sochum.v3i2.1341 DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF NEWS WRITING BETWEEN WOMEN AND MEN REPORTERS ABOUT SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN DETIK.COM <p>The purpose of this study was to find out how to write news stories between female and male journalists about sexual harassment in the online media Detikcom. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, using discourse analysis methods Roger Fowler, Robert Hodge, Gunther Kress, and Tony Trew. This analysis uses elements of vocabulary and grammar. Vocabulary is divided into four, namely classification, limiting views and marginalization. Then the grammatical elements are divided into two, namely passivation and nominalization. The object of this research is sexual harassment news on the Detiknews website on the Detikcom portal as many as 6 news stories with 3 topics, divided into 3 news writing by women and 3 news writing by men, from February to August 2014. The results of the research are seen from the elements of vocabulary and grammar. , according to Roger Fowler, Robert Hodge, Gunther Kress, and Toni Trew. The significant difference in women's and men's news writing about sexual harassment in Detikcom's online media, is only in the element of limiting views where male writers are more likely to use the word euphemism than female news writers. and on the element of marginalization men tend to marginalize actors badly. while the other elements are different but not as significant as the elements of limiting views and marginalization, because the researcher only focuses on the subtle aspects and whether or not the language used by female and male news writers about sexual harassment in the online media Detikcom.</p> Basrah Yanti Copyright (c) 2024 Basrah Yanti 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 3 2 198 217 10.22487/j.sochum.v3i2.1342