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The village head election is a democratic party, where villagers can participate by voting to elect candidates for village heads who are responsible and can develop the village. In this research, the author had the opportunity to conduct research in Wanagading Village, Bolano Lambunu District, Parigi Moutong Regency, with the subject of Rural Political Dynamics, related to the Challenges of Women's Political Representation in Village Head Elections. The type of research used is qualitative research. The results of this study concluded, two major challenges of women's representation in the selection of village Head are First; The dual role of women that influences the interest and enthusiasm of women. The figure of a woman who can balance between family and career is very rare to find. Women are often afraid to do politics because of the demands of their role as housewives. So that women's enthusiasm in politics in Wanagading Village is very low. Second; Strong doctrine related to the patriarchal paradigm. The patriarchal mindset tends to place male dominance. Women are still seen as weak, less intelligent, and ultimately lose the fight in the political field


Representation Women Politics Rural Election

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