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Pilkada often makes the bureaucratic apparatus face a dilemma, between being neutral or getting involved in politics. Ideally and according to the law, the bureaucracy is required to be professional and neutral from politics. However, in reality, it is difficult for bureaucratic apparatus to be neutral, especially when faced with the temptation and pressure of power. This article highlights the involvement of the bureaucracy in Pilkada in Southeast Sulawesi, by outlining the modes of bureaucratic involvement, and identifying the factors of bureaucratic involvement. This study found that the bureaucrats involved in the Pilkada are state civil apparatus and village government apparatus. Factors that encourage bureaucratic involvement are: the status of incumbent regional head candidates who remain active during the implementation of regional elections, the lure of promotions for bureaucratic apparatus, weak sanctions for the State civil apparatus commission and regional head candidates, and weak supervision and enforcement of election supervisory institutions (Bawaslu and its staff).


Bureaucratic Pilkada Power Southeast Sulawesi

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