Kinesik <p><strong>KINESIK</strong> (E-ISSN: <span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: medium;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2302-2035</a>) </span></span>journal focuses on research and contemporary thinking in the field of<strong>&nbsp;Communication Studies</strong>&nbsp;in various angles/perspectives. such as:</p> <p>1. Media, New Media, and Communication Technologies</p> <p>2. Audio/Visual Communications</p> <p>3. Marketing Communications</p> <p>4. Political-Communications</p> <p>5. Educational-Communications</p> <p>6. Journalism</p> <p>7. Public Relations</p> <p>8. Broadcasting</p> Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tadulako en-US Kinesik 2302-2035 ADAPTATION OF ONLINE MEDIA JOURNALISTS DURING COVID-19 <p>The COVID-19 pandemic that occurred some time ago has become a disruption that has harmed journalists' work. It is equally known that journalism jobs require mobility and a high level of interaction. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, journalists' movement became limited. In this research, the author focuses on how journalists adapted to carrying out their work during the Pandemic in 2020. This research uses a qualitative case study approach with in-depth interviews. More specifically, the research focuses on online mainstream journalistic media as the research subject. Online media were specifically chosen as the research subject, considering that in the digital era, online media have become one of society's main sources of information. During the COVID-19 pandemic, mainstream media became the front guard as a public information source. The sources for this research consisted of nine journalists from four national online media, namely,,, and This research found that journalists adapted to cover news during the Pandemic, including reducing offline coverage, increasing online coverage and adjusting the rhythm or routine of working hours</p> Rufki Ade Vinanda Bela Fataya Azmi Copyright (c) 2024 Rufki Ade Vinanda, Bela Fataya Azmi 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 11 1 1 12 10.22487/ejk.v11i1.1117 CELEBRATING THE INNER BEAUTY OF WOMEN IN WARDAH'S ADVERTISEMENT <p>Beauty product advertisements in general are always identified with displays that show the beauty of the ideal physical form of women, such as tall stature, fair-skinned, slim figure, and beautiful, flawless facial complexion. In contrast to the advertisements circulating in general, Wardah depicts beauty through the body image of five female figures and one of them features a disabled woman wearing a prosthetic leg as a medium for conveying messages in advertising. Wardah aims to challenge the conventional notion of beauty, which predominantly focuses on physical appearance, by featuring a disabled individual as the main protagonist in their campaign. This paper seeks to analyze the portrayal of the female physiques depicted in Wardah beauty advertising through the application of the semiotic analysis approach based on the John Fiske model, in conjunction with the idea of constructing social reality. This research will be based on the constructivism paradigm to identify the three primary tiers of Fiske's semiotic analysis, including: level of reality, level of representation, and level of ideology.</p> Dina Amalia Achmad Budiman Sudarsono Kristina Nurhayati Rustono Farady Marta Engliana Copyright (c) 2024 Dina Amalia, Achmad Budiman Sudarsono, Kristina Nurhayati, Rustono Farady Marta 2024-04-16 2024-04-16 11 1 13 32 10.22487/ejk.v11i1.1145 HYBRID MASCULINITY AND MUSIC VIDEO <p>Masculinity is homogeneously defined as a rule or rules in social practice and is represented by the culture depicted in a man. The majority of society demands that a man must be independent, strong, firm, tough, disciplined, think logically, able to be a protector and avoid anything related to women (no sissy stuff). However, along with the development of globalization and the proliferation of Korean wave fever among people around the world, K-Pop idols, especially men, have emerged bringing a new identity from the concept of masculinity called Hybrid Masculinity. This research aims to determine the form of Hybrid Masculinity in the music video Enhypen Sacrifice (Eat Me Up) using John Fiske's semiotic analysis with his theory The Codes of Television. The results of this research show that there are symbols and representations of a new form of male masculinity called Manufactured Versatile Masculinity and the discovery of new emphases in viewing the concept of masculinity itself.</p> Andi Reskiwardina Andi Alimuddin Unde Alem Febri Sonni Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Reskiwardina 2024-04-16 2024-04-16 11 1 33 44 10.22487/ejk.v11i1.1154 ANALYSIS OF THE IMPLICATIONS OF COMMUNICATION BEHAVIOR IN IDOL AND FAN RELATIONSHIPS THROUGH THE BTS CHANNEL COMMUNITY ON WEVERSE <p>The massive use of mass media in the digital era makes us easily touched and influenced by the information held by mass media. Social media is one of the mass media that brings this influence to every user. Including the Weverse social media which is used by fans to interact with fellow communities and also their idols. So, to see the influence and implications of communication within the community, this research aims to analyze the influence of communication behavior between idols and fans in the BTS Channel community via Weverse social media. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative method using the basis of information processing theory where this research helps understand how humans process information and how this process influences human behavior. Data collection was carried out by observing and interviewing seven sources and their communication activities on Weverse social media. The results of this research reveal that the influence of communication between idols and fans can be seen through three aspects, namely cognitive, affective, and conative.</p> Annysa Nur Agafanthy Alem Febri Sonni Muhammad Farid Copyright (c) 2024 Annysa Nur Agafanthy 2024-04-16 2024-04-16 11 1 45 63 10.22487/ejk.v11i1.1160 WIDOWER REPRESENTATION IN THE MOVIE SEJUTA SAYANG UNTUKNYA <p>This study describes how is the representation of widower as a single parent which is described through media content, namely Sejuta Sayang Untuknya Movie. By using research methods and qualitative content analysis, the results of the analysis of this study is related to the theory of media content, where the scenes in the film are formed by film makers to provide shows that represent the reality of society, where the actor is portrayed as a father who always shows affection for his daughter by speaking softly, giving attention, being a good friend to his daughter and prioritizing his daughter's needs.</p> Syaiful Rohim Afaf Copyright (c) 2024 Syaiful Rohim, Afaf 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 11 1 64 72 10.22487/ejk.v11i1.1188 DESIGNING A JAPANESE LANGUAGE LEARNING WEB-BASED SYSTEM WITH THE THEME OF ACTIVITY HANDOVER <p>This research explores the Japanese language with a focus on the theme of activity handover. The Japanese language is unique in its use of various characters such as kanji, hiragana, katakana, and romaji. The influence of Japanese popular culture such as anime and manga has sparked many people who want to learn Japanese. The ability to speak foreign languages, especially Japanese, is considered important for children's future. However, learning Japanese has its challenges, especially in understanding the three typefaces, namely hiragana, katakana, and kanji. To master the Japanese language, learners need to pay attention to various aspects such as vocabulary, grammar, conversation, reading, writing, and listening. In the context of the handover theme this activity involves the use of particles, verbs, and nouns. This research emerged as a solution to the imbalance between the number of students and Japanese language teachers at LPK IHMI Cirebon. By analyzing student growth data, it is necessary to create a web-based learning system for Japanese language learning with the theme of handover activities using the waterfall method with several stages, namely system engineering, needs analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance. Thus, this research produced a Japanese language learning system with the theme of handover activities in an interesting and interactive manner. This system is expected to be an effective solution to increase the understanding and motivation of Japanese language learners at LPK IHMI Cirebon.</p> Ikna Khoerudin Ade Irma Purnamasari Copyright (c) 2024 Ikna Khoerudin, Ade Irma Purnamasari 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 11 1 73 85 10.22487/ejk.v11i1.1212 LIVE STREAMING AND “GERAKAN BANGGA BUATAN INDONESIA” MOVEMENT <p>Indonesia has entered a massive digitalization round. As a platform to bring together buyers and sellers, the growing need for the Indonesian people. Various vocational services are scrambling to be the best of service, price, and security. This development is followed by a social media role that is no longer a hub for relationships but a place of marketing and branding. One of the highest contents nowadays is a live stream. Information management and access that is so quick and easy to give anyone a chance to do this live stream. Live streaming behavior becomes a social media strategy that has a very broad impact on people's interest in goods and services that are offered. This doubtless affected his productivity and increased his rise domino's. In addition, Indonesia, which is now preparing a campaign of investment in Indonesia, is expected to make us buy local products. This empowerment would stimulate a micro-, small, and medium-scale (SMSE) venture that was ravaged by the previous pandemic. With this live stream it is expected to help SMSE to increase public interest, expand the network of product marketing, improve the sale of products with good quality, and have an impact on national economic&nbsp;empowerment</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Khaerunnisa Rakhmah Freddy Yakob Rifkah Kusmita Juniati Copyright (c) 2024 Khaerunnisa Rakhmah, Freddy Yakob, Rifkah Kusmita Juniati 2024-04-20 2024-04-20 11 1 86 96 10.22487/ejk.v11i1.902 GENERATIONS X AND Y PREFERENCES IN USING ONLINE AND TELEVISION MEDIA <p>This research uses quantitative research methods, the data collection technique is a questionnaire from Generation X in Mantikulore District, Palu City. Data collection techniques accompanied by lists of questions to respondents. The number of samples used in this research was 99 respondents. The data analysis technique used to measure the use of online media and television media is by calculating all questionnaire items from each study. The test results show that both media have shows that are often used by generation X, but television media (X2) is higher than online media (X1) in generation This is shown by the results of calculating the highest percentage value for television media from the question, 89% and online media with a percentage of 87%. So the conclusion is Ho: The preference for watching online media shows is lower than the preference for watching television media shows.</p> Dwi Rohma Wulandari Muhammad Isa Yusaputra Nur Haidar Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Rohma Wulandari, Muhammad Isa Yusaputra, Nur Haidar 2024-04-20 2024-04-20 11 1 97 102 10.22487/ejk.v11i1.1235 SOCIAL MEDIA USER INTEREST IN VISUAL CONTENT ON @himakom.uki INSTAGRAM <p>The diversity of visual content on Instagram social media triggers users to repeatedly view and access uploads on the target social media. This is in the form of interest which causes a response that is processed first through a stimulus. In this case, it is in the form of visual content on social media Instagram @himakom.uki. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques using interviews from informants determined based on purposive sampling techniques. This research aims to find out and analyze user’s interest in visual content on Instagram. By using analytical techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions, research results show that varied visual content tends to attract the attention of Instagram users to continuously search for information. This is in line with Stimulus, Organism and Response (SOR). Where the stimulus is in the form of a message, the organism is in the form of an Instagram user and the response is in the form of behavior to continuously view visual content uploaded on social media.</p> Trianna Sampe Litha Altisya Kreshan Copyright (c) 2024 Trianna Litha, Altisya Kreshan 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 11 1 103 113 10.22487/ejk.v11i1.1266 FRAMING ANALYSIS IN REPORTING THE RULING OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT NUMBER 90PUU-XXI2023 IN MEDIA INDONESIA <p style="font-weight: 400;">Media Indonesia has an ideology that impacts the framing of reporting on the Constitutional Court decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 regarding the age limit for presidential candidates and vice-presidential candidates on October 16, 2023. This research aims to determine the framing carried out by Media Indonesia in reporting the Constitutional Court decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 with a framing analysis of the Pan and Kosicki model. Researchers analyzed news articles with “Putusan MK” from October 22 to November 2, 2023. This research shows that Media Indonesia emphasizes the impact of legal legitimacy. Based on the syntactic structure, the structure of the news begins with the object and problem and forms the event systematically. Based on the script structure, the reporting carried out by Media Indonesia contains elements of 5W+1H. Based on the thematic structure, Media Indonesia presents broad news themes regarding the Constitutional Court's decision and the nomination of Gibran Rakabuming as vice presidential candidate in the 2024 elections. Based on the rhetorical structure, Media Indonesia's discourse follows the facts and leads to the ethics of alleged violations. Media Indonesia's cover photo frame in the news does not use photos or images that corner one of the parties.</p> Rizky Wulan Ramadhani Bagus Dwi Bramantyo Pitoyo Copyright (c) 2024 Rizky Wulan Ramadhani, Bagus Dwi Bramantyo, Pitoyo 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 11 1 114 129 10.22487/ejk.v11i1.1221