Jurnal Studi Inovasi Pemerintahan https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip <p><strong>JSIP</strong> is <strong>a Government Innovation Study Journal</strong> published by the Government Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia. This journal publishes scientific articles in government science, parties and elections, government innovation, government collaboration, and contemporary studies. This journal is published four times yearly, namely in March, June, September, and December. e-ISSN: 000-000.</p> en-US anggadana93@gmail.com (Angga Pradana) fahmisuryaabdi20@gmail.com (Fahmi Surya Abdi) Sat, 24 Aug 2024 20:39:26 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 IMPLEMENTATION OF ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM [SAPK] IN REGIONAL PERSONNEL AGENCY OFFICES OF CENTRAL SULAWESI PROVINCE https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1544 <p>This research aims to analyze the Implementation of Electronic Government in the SAPK Application System at the Central Sulawesi Province Regional Civil Service Agency Office referring to the measurement of Electronic Government Implementation according to Rianto and Sustainable. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, with the aim of obtaining a contextual picture and understanding in depth the process of implementing the Personnel Service System implemented by the Central Sulawesi Province Regional Personnel Agency. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of the Personnel Service Application System in the BKD Office of Central Sulawesi Province. Not Effective Yet. With the Application assessment model from Rianto and Letari as an analytical tool. There are five assessment criteria that have not been met in its implementation, namely: (1) Hardware. This point has not been met because in this agency the number of employees who are able to operate the Personnel Management Application System (SAPK) with the available technology is still limited, so at the beginning the implementation of Electronic Government in this SAPK program from 2013 until now BKD employees are still not adapting (2) Software, the ability of BKD employees to manage employee data is not yet up to date even though there are statements from informants that they have carried out socialization about this system. (3) Data and Information, the data produced by BKD in running the online-based personnel service administration system is still not up to expectations because the information produced from managing personnel data is not yet accurate and relevant. (4) Communication, in the early years of SAPK implementation was not optimal due to communication problems between various parties concerned between the BKD and civil servants in each (5) Attitude of the Implementers, the response of users from the implementation of SAPK in the Sulawesi Province BKD in the middle of implementing SAPK was not yet well realized in various fields in the BKD of Central Sulawesi province.</p> Wahyu Alam alam, Asrifai, Rusmawaty Bte Rusdin Copyright (c) https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1544 Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Transformative Village Government Leadership https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1538 <p>This study aims to analyze the transformation of government leadership in Tirta Kencana village, Toili Jaya sub-district, Banggai district. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive type. The results of the research on transformative government leadership in Tirta Kencana village, Toili Jaya sub-district, Banggai Regency are seen from the aspects of planning change, organizing change in its implementation, and mobilizing organizational resources, it has been going well but not optimal. The results showed that the transformative government leadership of the Tirta Kencana village head from the aspect of planning changes has been going well but not optimal because the village government has not recorded the entire village community, the data collection is carried out to avoid receiving double assistance, it can be seen from the provision of assistance to farmers in the form of farm fertilizer, so farm fertilizer assistance is only given to Tirta Kencana villagers who work as farmers for Direct Cash Assistance and the Family Hope Program is given to people who are underprivileged and do not have permanent jobs, and the problem of garbage disposal is still not resolved, even though it has been pursued since five years ago.In the aspect of organizing change into its implementation, the attitude of the new village head wanted to continue development but was constrained by funds, one source of which was from the unfinished village shop contract from the previous official, and the results of the construction of four village shops were not enough to complete the construction of the village office. The village shop was built to make it easier for the village community to develop MSMEs by renting the village shop. The Chairman of the Village Consultative Body urged the settlement for the completion of the village office, but the funds have not been disbursed, including constraints in the drainage system that has not been well connected. In the aspect of mobilizing organizational resources, it can be seen from the Tirta Kencana village government's efforts to conduct training such as the creation and optimal use of the village website https://tirtakencana.id/ so that the community can access information without having to go to the village office. In addition, the provision of office facilities is better than before.</p> bayu adrian putra putra, Isbon Pageno Pageno, Sulfitri Husain Husain Copyright (c) https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1538 Sat, 24 Aug 2024 21:05:35 +0700 Implementation of Electronic Government in the Department of Communication, Informatics, Encryption and Statistics, Pasangkayu Regency https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1539 <p><em>Generally, communication between social institutions and the government in government offices takes place conventionally, face to face. As time goes by and advances in technology also bring innovation with the birth of Electronic Government, with the hope of opening up new opportunities to improve the quality of public information services that are effective and efficient, transparent, and without having to meet face to face. This has become a scourge in almost all regions in Indonesia, including Pasangkayu Regency. On this basis, this research aims to determine the implementation of Electronic Government (e-Gov) in the Coding Information Communication and Statistics Service of Pasangkayu Regency. This research and writing uses a qualitative descriptive type. The concept applied refers to the theory put forward by Sharon regarding e-Gov, namely containing aspects of Strategy, Policy, Data, Cost Factory, Skills, Technology. The types of data are primary and secondary data. Then the technique used is in line with the needs of the type of data. The result of this research is to identify the application of e-Gov in the Diskominfopers of Pasangkayu Regency based on theoretical aspects by Sharon. Starting from Strategy, in the form of outreach to the community to maximizing synergy between OPDs to create e-Gov. Policy, refers to the Presidential Instruction and its derivatives which are realized in the Strategic Plan (Renstra) so that the flow of Diskominfopers is clearer. Data, relates to the information provided and can be accessed on the website. Cost Factory, Diskominfopers has a Strategic Plan which explicitly aims to develop everything from HR elements to products that support information technology. Skills, training in the form of BIMTEK and education for staff. Technology, there is public network support (wifi) and independently by utilizing the local internet network.</em></p> andi yuniarti hamzah hamzah, Asrifai, Muh Rapi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Studi Inovasi Pemerintahan https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1539 Sat, 24 Aug 2024 21:17:43 +0700 Local Village Elite Conflict in the Relocation of Ogoamas II Market, North Sojol District https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1547 <p><em>This study focuses on the analysis of the dynamics of conflict involving local village elites during the relocation process of Ogoamas II Market in North Sojol District. The problems faced are various interests and different views from the Head of Ogoamas I Village, the Head of Ogoamas II Village, the Head of North Sojol District, community leaders, and traders. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that influence the conflict of local village elites in the relocation of the market. The method used is a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. Data collection techniques include interviews, documentation and observation. The theory used in this study is the theory of Maswadi Rauf (2001) which identifies social, political, economic, and ideological factors as elements that influence conflict. The results of the study show that social, political, economic, and ideological factors play a role in the dynamics of conflict. Social factors include the discomfort of traders and the community with changes and concerns about losing relationships. Political factors are related to the abuse of power in relocation without adequate regulations. Ideological factors refer to differences in values </em><em>​​</em><em>and views between traders and those who support relocation. And economic factors are the most influential factors and the main source of conflict in the relocation of Ogoamas II Market. Traders are concerned about losing customers and income due to moving to a new location that may be less strategic. This study revealed that although various factors contribute to conflict, economic issues are the most dominant, thus requiring special attention in efforts to resolve market relocation conflicts.</em></p> Wahyudi Alham, Muh Nawawi, La Husen Zuada Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Studi Inovasi Pemerintahan https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1547 Mon, 26 Aug 2024 13:16:06 +0700 DYNAMICS OF WATER CONFLICT RESOLUTION BY PITUNGOTAHIGI TRADITIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN BORA VILLAGE, SIGI DISTRICT, SIGI CITY https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1541 <p>The aim of this research is to describe the dynamics of resolving water conflicts through the Pitungotahigi traditional means in Bora Village, Sigi District, Sigi Regency City. In addition, this research conducted a survey of Bora village in Sigikota Regency with four informants: village secretary, Village Consultative Body (BPD), village community, and traditional guards. This is caused by the long dry season faced by the people of Bora Village. These conflicts often lead to clashes which often lead to conflict between community groups and result in loss of life. In dispute resolution carried out by traditional institutions, there is dynamics in the resolution, the mediation process is carried out by traditional institutions. In this mediation, traditional institution dispute resolution becomes dynamic because the disputing parties have not received the results of the communication from the traditional administrators. Therefore, traditional institutions must look for problems and start from scratch to solve them. Additionally, new steps were seen in the implementation of sanctions against countries involved in the conflict.</p> Moh Fajrin Ky Husain Husain, Sitti Chaeriah Ahsan, Sulfitri Husain Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Studi Inovasi Pemerintahan https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1541 Sat, 24 Aug 2024 21:47:38 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF REGIONAL REGULATION POLICY NUMBER 3 OF 2018 CONCERNING HANDLING vagrants and beggars in PALU CITY https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1542 <p><strong><em>Implemention of Regional Regulation Policy fro Handling Homelessness and Begagars in Palu City is a serious problem with numbers tending to increase. This is because homless people and beggars who have been trained when they are released again continue to do the same things. This research uses a qualitative technical aproachto determine information, namely purposive with eight informants. This research shows that the implemation of regional regulatory policies for dealing with homeless people and beggars in Palu City is still not optimal because obstacles are still found. This is reflected in the influencing factors where communication and disposition parameters are not optimal, this is something that is not considered in handling. In the communication aspect, it cam be concluded that there has been no innovation in sustainable socialization of policy targets, and the disposition factor has not been able to work well because preventive efforts in the from of skills training programs for homeless people and beggars have not been implemented since the covid-19 outbreak.</em></strong></p> Moh Surya Adi Putra Putra, M. Nur Alamsyah, Irwansyah Kamindang Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Studi Inovasi Pemerintahan https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1542 Sat, 24 Aug 2024 21:59:06 +0700 COMMUNITY POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN THE CYBER ERA https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1543 <p><em>This Study aims to fin,d out how Commun,ity Political Participation, in, Village Head Election, in, Bambapula Village, N,orth Dampal District, Toli-Toli Regen,cy in, 2019. This research uses teon, Miriam Budiardjo based on, 3 aspect, n,amely votin,g to atten,d gen,eral meetin,gs, an,d formin,g an,g join,in,g in,tereset groups. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type data, collection, techn,iques usin,g observation, in,terviews (in,terviews), an,d documen,tation,. Research result on, commun,ity Political Participation, in, Village Head Election,s in, Bambapula Village, N,orth Dampal District, Toli-Toli Regen,cy Year 2019, that in, votin,g is n,ot maximal but atten,din,g gen,eral meetin,gs an,d formin,g an, join,in,g in,tereset groups is&nbsp; n,ot optimal because there are several factors that in,fluen,ce the politicalparticiption, of the Bambapula Village commun,ity, n,amely education, factors, level of employmen,t, level of kin,ship an,d level of position,.</em></p> Sri Filda Filda, Isbon Pageno, Rusmawaty Bte Rusdin Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Studi Inovasi Pemerintahan https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1543 Sat, 24 Aug 2024 22:13:51 +0700 COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE IN REALIZING ADIPURA IN PALU CITY https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1548 <p><em>This research aims to describe the collaboration in achieving the Adipura awards in Palu city. The research ultilizes Ansell and Gash’s theory of Collaborative Governance, which includes four indicators : initial conditions, institutional design, leadership, and the collaborative process. This study employs a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, documentation, and literature review. The research findings indicate that based on the four indicators, the collaborative governance between the City Government and Tadulako University in achieving the Adipura award in Palu City shows that the initial conditions, institutional design, snd leadership are already optimal. However, the collaborative process is not yet optimal. This is evident in the commitment and understanding of students, which are still lacking in depth. Students admit that their understanding of Adipura and related issues is still insufficient, and their commitment tends to be individual and pragmatic, without a deep understanding of the objectives and context of their work programs. Therefore, the achieve better collaboration, there needs to be an improvement in the understanding and commitment of student towards Adipura and related environmental issues</em></p> Silvina Ulfa Merlia, M Nur Alamsyah , Rusmawaty Bte Rusdin Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Studi Inovasi Pemerintahan https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1548 Mon, 26 Aug 2024 13:55:43 +0700 The Role of the Palu City Government in Empowering UMKM in Palu City https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1549 <p>This research aims to describe how to evaluate the success of the Palu City Government's role in empowering UMKM in Palu City. This research uses the theory of Ryaas Rasyid (2010) in Muhadam Labollo on the Role of Government. This research uses a qualitative research approach with descriptive research type. Data collection techniques use observation, interview and documentation techniques. The research results show the success of the government's role through the government's role as a regulator, the government's role as a dynamist, and the government's role as a facilitator. Although there is one role of government that has not been successful, namely the role of government as a catalyst because there are obstacles regarding the understanding of UMKM actors in utilizing technology and marketing the products they have. However, the government's strategic role in providing training and also assistance in the form of business capital has provided opportunities for business actors who want to develop their businesses. The positive impact can be seen in the empowerment of UMKM actors who have been given training and outreach regarding UMKM development. Suggestions include how the Palu City government can disseminate more information regarding how to utilize technology in marketing access to products owned by UMKM players. So, in realizing the government's role, it is hoped that it can provide benefits for UMKM in developing their businesses.</p> Dahlia Safitri, Asrifai, Rusmawaty Bte Rusdin Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Studi Inovasi Pemerintahan https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1549 Mon, 26 Aug 2024 15:32:32 +0700 THE ROLE OF VILLAGE GOVERNMENT ON THE IMPACT OF STEAM POWER PLANT CONSTRUCTION IN IMPROVING COMMUNITY WELFARE IN LERO TATARI VILLAGE, SINDUE DISTRICT https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1550 <p><em>The aim of this research is to find out the role of the Village Government in the Impact of the Construction of a Steam Power Plant in Improving the Welfare of the Lero Tatari Village Community.&nbsp; This research uses a qualitative descriptive research type, while the research base used is descriptive, namely an approach to certain phenomena, events, problems or circumstances that are the object of investigation;&nbsp; the results of the findings are in the form of meaningful sentence descriptions.&nbsp; The data used in this research uses primary data and secondary data.&nbsp; Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation, interviews and documentation.&nbsp; The data analysis technique uses the Milles Saldana 2014 analysis technique. Meanwhile, determining informants uses Purposive.&nbsp; The theory used according to Muhadan Labolo in Ryaas Rasyid 2010 is the role of the government as a facilitator which means creating conducive conditions for development implementers to bridge various community interests, the role as a regulator. Dimensions that are measured by the agreement that the Lero Tatari village government has built with the parties&nbsp; implementing the construction of a steam power plant project, Dynamisator. The government's role as a dynamist means providing encouragement or support through appeals to the village community. Catalyst measures the government's role as a catalyst, namely the government's role in responding to various community aspirations or complaints related to the construction of a steam power plant.&nbsp; Based on the research results, it is stated that the role of the Village Government in development in improving the welfare of the community is not yet optimal, seen from the role of facilitator or as an extension of the community in taking advantage of job opportunities in the construction of the power plant carried out by Wika.&nbsp; a small part of the community of 1,696 people, the total population consisting of children and the elderly is 845 people, while the productive people are 851 people, there are 57 people who have worked at the hydropower plant, while the number of men who have not worked or are unemployed is around 794 people.&nbsp; lost his job even though we all know that there has been communication established by PT Wika and the Village Government.&nbsp; Meanwhile, the role of the Village Government as a regulator is not yet optimal due to the lack of agreement in the form of regulations which are the basis for the community to be able to take advantage of job opportunities from the construction of the PLTU by Wika.&nbsp; Meanwhile, from the aspect of the government's role as a dynamist, it is not yet optimal, where there is no government movement to see that people have lost their jobs due to the impact of the construction of the power plant.&nbsp; The government's role as a catalyst is also not optimal, where it is difficult for the community to express their aspirations or complaints and BPD is not functioning as a connector for community aspirations.</em></p> Abdul Razak, Hartawan, Sisrilnardi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Studi Inovasi Pemerintahan https://jurnal.fisip.untad.ac.id/index.php/jsip/article/view/1550 Mon, 26 Aug 2024 16:12:44 +0700