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This study focuses on the analysis of the dynamics of conflict involving local village elites during the relocation process of Ogoamas II Market in North Sojol District. The problems faced are various interests and different views from the Head of Ogoamas I Village, the Head of Ogoamas II Village, the Head of North Sojol District, community leaders, and traders. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that influence the conflict of local village elites in the relocation of the market. The method used is a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. Data collection techniques include interviews, documentation and observation. The theory used in this study is the theory of Maswadi Rauf (2001) which identifies social, political, economic, and ideological factors as elements that influence conflict. The results of the study show that social, political, economic, and ideological factors play a role in the dynamics of conflict. Social factors include the discomfort of traders and the community with changes and concerns about losing relationships. Political factors are related to the abuse of power in relocation without adequate regulations. Ideological factors refer to differences in values ​​and views between traders and those who support relocation. And economic factors are the most influential factors and the main source of conflict in the relocation of Ogoamas II Market. Traders are concerned about losing customers and income due to moving to a new location that may be less strategic. This study revealed that although various factors contribute to conflict, economic issues are the most dominant, thus requiring special attention in efforts to resolve market relocation conflicts.

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How to Cite
Alham, W., Muh Nawawi, & Zuada, L. H. (2024). Local Village Elite Conflict in the Relocation of Ogoamas II Market, North Sojol District. Jurnal Studi Inovasi Pemerintahan, 1(1), 59-74. Retrieved from


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