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The aim of this research is to describe the dynamics of resolving water conflicts through the Pitungotahigi traditional means in Bora Village, Sigi District, Sigi Regency City. In addition, this research conducted a survey of Bora village in Sigikota Regency with four informants: village secretary, Village Consultative Body (BPD), village community, and traditional guards. This is caused by the long dry season faced by the people of Bora Village. These conflicts often lead to clashes which often lead to conflict between community groups and result in loss of life. In dispute resolution carried out by traditional institutions, there is dynamics in the resolution, the mediation process is carried out by traditional institutions. In this mediation, traditional institution dispute resolution becomes dynamic because the disputing parties have not received the results of the communication from the traditional administrators. Therefore, traditional institutions must look for problems and start from scratch to solve them. Additionally, new steps were seen in the implementation of sanctions against countries involved in the conflict.

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How to Cite
Husain, M. F. K. H., Sitti Chaeriah Ahsan, & Sulfitri Husain. (2024). DYNAMICS OF WATER CONFLICT RESOLUTION BY PITUNGOTAHIGI TRADITIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN BORA VILLAGE, SIGI DISTRICT, SIGI CITY. Jurnal Studi Inovasi Pemerintahan, 1(1), 75-90. Retrieved from


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