JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies
<p><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies</span></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> adalah publikasi ilmiah yang terbit setiap 4 kali dalam setahun yakni pada bulan <strong>Februari, Mei, Agustus, November</strong><strong>.</strong> Jurnal ini menerima artikel yang relevan dengan isu-isu kepublikan seperti <strong>Kebijakan dan Manajemen Publik, Collaborative Governance, Desentralisasi dan Manajemen Bencana</strong>. JPS juga menjamin standar publikasi yang tinggi sehingga para akademisi, peneliti, praktisi di semua bidang mendapatkan ruang untuk berdiskusi teori-teori dan konseptual ilmu sosial secara terbuka. Semua naskah yang masuk akan melalui penilaian awal oleh Editor dan jika dianggap layak untuk dipertimbangkan lebih lanjut, akan melalui proses <em>peer-review.</em></span></p>Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Tadulakoen-USJPS: Journal of Publicness Studies3047-4019Manajemen Kearsipan Di Kantor Desa Tampiala Kecamatan Dampal Selatan Kabupaten Tolitoli
<p><em>This research aims to determine how archival manangement is in the Tampiala village office. The basics of this research is observation and this type of research was conducted at the Tampiala village office South Dampal sub-district Tolitoli district, which examines archival management. In terms of implementation, each person in charge has an important specific task. So that complete supporting facilities are needed in carrying out their duties and obligations. To increase the sense of respontibility in completing tasks and work and the trust given. In this study reseaerches involved 5 (five) informants namely the Tampiala village head, Tampiala village Secretary, planning section, welfare sections, and government section. In conducting research, the author uses the theory of sularso mulyono which refers to 3 (three) aspects namely receiving letters, storing or placing archives, and finding back archives. Based on the results of the research obtained, it can be cocluded that arcival management at the Tampiala Village Office South Dampal district Tolitoli Regency in the aspect of receiving letters has been running well, but three are several aspect that need to be addresed, such as in the aspects of archive storage or placement and archive retreval that need to be addresed, including storage because the facilities and infrastructure are not sufficient, for example, sufficient cabinets, so there are several archives on the table, to use boxes to store archives.And the retreval of archives has not been running effectively where there are no experts in managing in the field of archives, so it needs to be understood that the management of archives at the Tampiala village office south Dampal District tolitoli regency requires a long time and delays in finding archives.</em></p>Sri RegitaSuasaGita Farista
Copyright (c) 2024 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies
2024-11-172024-11-1714110Implementasi Kebijakan Sistem Zonasi Dalam Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Di Sekolah Menegah Atas Negeri 1 Sirenja Kabupaten Donggala
<p><em>The purpose of this study is the Achievement of Equitable Distribution of Education Quality Through the Implementation of Zoning System Policy in the Admission of New Students at State High School 1 Sirenja, Donggala Regency by using the Policy Implementation Model proposed by Van Mette Van Horn, namely Standards, Objectives and Policy Objectives, Resources, Characteristics of Implementing Agents, Attitudes or Trends (Dispotition) implementers, Inter-organizational communication and implementation activities, Economic, social and political environment. This type of research is Descriptive research and the basis of the research used is qualitative. The information was determined by Purposive Sampling with a total of 7 informants. The data collection technique used is Observation. In-depth interviews of informants and documentation for data collection are needed in the form of primary and secondary data. Data analysis carried out by Data Reduction, Data Model (data display), Conclusion: Pulling/Verifying. Checking the validity of the data using Source Triangulation. The Implementation of the Zoning System Policy in the Admission of New Students at State High School 1 Sirenja, Donggala Regency has not been running optimally. This is proven that there is still a serious problem. Starting from, the school makes its own internal policy and does not implement zoning strictly and still accepts students outside the zoning. As well as the lack of information known by the public about the zoning system. This reflects the inconsistency of resources to the zoning system policy.</em></p>Fildayana FildayanaIntam KurniaAskar Mayusa
Copyright (c) 2024 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies
2024-11-172024-11-17141118Implementasi Kebijakan Pembatasan Penggunaan Kemasan Plastik Sekali Pakai Dan Styrofoam Di Kota Palu
<p><em>This study aims to determine the implementation of restrictions on the use of disposable plastic packaging and Styrofoam in the city of Palu. The basis of research used is field research and descriptive qualitative research type. The informants in this study were the Environmental Agency of Palu City, business actors, modern stores, plastic manufacturers and the people of Palu City. Data collection techniques through informants accompanied by observation, interviews, and documentation and using the basis of Van Metter and Van Horn Implementation theory which consists of 6 (six) variables, namely, Policy Standards and Infrastructure, Resources, Communication Between Implementing Agencies, Characteristics of Implementing Agencies, Social, Economic, and Political Environment, Implementing Attitudes. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the Implementation of the Policy on Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Packaging and Styrofoam in Palu City has not run optimally on several indicators, namely Policy Standards and Objectives, Resources, Communication Between Implementing Agencies, Social, Economic and Political Environment and Implementing Attitudes. Because of the lack of massive socialization and the lack of understanding and awareness of policy targets who do not know the impact of environmental damage, seeing in terms of operations has not been handled properly, in Resources there are still many shortcomings from human resources, in terms of enforcement and handling and lack of infrastructure in transporting waste, then in Communication Between Implementing Agencies has not conducted massive socialization starting from the implementers to the Policy targets, in the Characteristics between Implementing Agencies all involved in the implementation are in accordance with their respective fields, as well as in the Social, Economic and Political environment has supported the Implementation of this Policy even though in terms of the Economy it has not been said to be well implemented, and the Attitude aspect of Implementers requires assertiveness in the Implementation of these policies to avoid problems that will occur in policy implementation. All forms of this problem need improvement so that in the future it runs well and effectively.</em></p>Abdul Azis FahrialRizali DjaelangkaraYulizar Pramudika Tawil
Copyright (c) 2024 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies
2024-11-172024-11-17141926Strategi Dinas Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi Dalam Mengurangi Angka Pengangguran Di Kabupaten Donggala
<p><em>This study aims to find out the Strategy of the Manpower and Transmigration Office in Reducing Unemployment in Donggala Regency. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method. The data collection technique uses observation, interview, and documentation methods. The theory used in this study is Strategy Theory according to Kooten Dalam J. Salusu which consists of 4 aspects, namely Organizational Strategy, Program Strategy, Resource Support Strategy and Institutional Strategy. The results of this study show that (1) Organizational Strategy is good because of cooperation with other agencies that help to improve the quality and competence of the local workforce through various training programs that are structured and relevant to industry needs. (2) The Program Strategy has not been said to be good enough because it faces problems regarding the lack of special programs that help people who do not have a business or job, in the availability of inadequate budgets to support programs from the Manpower and Transmigration Office, the suitability of skills with industry needs, cooperation with local companies that need to be improved, uneven access to training, and evaluate the impacts that need to be strengthened to reduce unemployment. (3) Resource Support Strategy. It is not good because it faces serious challenges related to infrastructure facilities such as budget limitations, lack of human resources, and low levels of education. (4) The Institutional Strategy is not good enough, because it still needs to be evaluated in-depth to identify obstacles that limit the success of the program to the implementation of the strategy, and the effectiveness of training programs and job placement.</em></p>puputpratiwi_ puputpratiwi_NasrullahRachmad
Copyright (c) 2024 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies
2024-11-172024-11-17142734Kinerja Pegawai Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat Desa Bahonsuai Kecamatan Bumi Raya Kabupaten Morowali
<p><em>The purpose of this research is to determine the performance of employees at Bahonsuai Community Health Center, Bumi Raya District, Morowali Regency. The research basis used is a qualitative research method with a descriptive type. The technique for determining informants is purposive sampling, and the informants in this research consist of 6 people.Based on the performance theory of Agus Dwiyanto (2008), the research results showthat (1) Productivity in the performance of Bahonsuai Community Health Center employees in Bumi Raya District, Morowali Regency is quite good, as seen from the speed of employees serving patients. However, the limitation of human resources, namely the insufficient number of doctors, affects the performance of the employees. Despite the limited number of doctors, the service provided by the employees still adheres to the applicable service standards. (2) The quality of service at Bahonsuai Community Health Center is quite good, indicated by the straightforward service flow that is easy for the community to understand. However, inadequate facilities andinfrastructure affect the performance of the Bahonsuai Health Center employees. (3) The responsiveness of Bahonsuai Health Center employees in Bumi Raya District, Morowali Regency is good. This can be seen from the ease and clarity of service information provided by the employees to patients. (4) The responsibility of Bahonsuai Health Center employees in Bumi Raya District, Morowali Regency is said to be good, as evidenced by the employees fulfilling their responsibilities well in serving patients. The employees are very friendly and empathetic when listening to patients' complaints. (5) The accountability of Bahonsuai Health Center employees in Bumi Raya District, Morowali Regency is good, as evidenced by the employees conducting monthly evaluations to improve and enhance their performance according to the responsibilities and operational standards applicable at Bahonsuai Health Center.</em></p>Nurul AmaliaDaswatiMuhammad Rapi
Copyright (c) 2024 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies
2024-11-172024-11-17143542Kinerja Kepolisian Direktorat Lalu Lintas Polda Sulawesi Tengah Dalam Penerapan e-Tilang di Kota Palu
<p><em>This study aims to determine the Police Performance of the Central Sulawesi Police Traffic Directorate in the Implementation of E-Tickets in Palu City. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, which provides an overview of the phenomena or factors of the problem under study according to existing facts. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews and documentation of informants totaling 7 people. The theory used is Basri and Rivai, 2015 where there are four indicators, namely the suitability of Planning. Effectiveness of Activity Implementation, Compliance with Regulations, Efficiency of Activities. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Performance of the Central Sulawesi Police Traffic Directorate in the Implementation of E-Tickets in Palu City in general, its implementation is not fully said to be optimal. This can be seen from the indicators of the research results, including the aspect of compliance with regulations that have not been effective due to the limited range of electronic monitoring and lack of supervision from the police. Therefore, the installation of CCTV on a number of roads in Palu city should have received supervisory assistance from police officers, not only CCTV which is used as a tool to monitor the smooth running of traffic. And the efficiency aspect of the implementation of activities is said to have not run optimally because the use of technology in the implementation of e-Tilang is a major factor because what supports this program is basically using technology, starting from electronic applications to the internet network connection needed. However, in its implementation it is still constrained by the factor of Human Resources (HR) who are still stuttering technology and server problems that have slow connections. And aspects that run optimally are aspects of planning suitability and effectiveness of activity implementation.</em></p>Nilawati WatiMustainnahMoh. Royfandi
Copyright (c) 2024 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies
2024-11-172024-11-17144350Efektivitas Badan Usaha Milik Desa Di Desa Poly Kecamatan Tinombo Selatan Kabupaten Parigi Moutong
<p><em>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of village-owned enterprises in Poly Village, South Tinombo District, Parigi Moutong Regency. This study uses Duncan's theory cited by Richard M Steers (1985: 53) which includes aspects of achieving integration and adaptation goals. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive type. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the results of research on the effectiveness of village-owned enterprises in the village of Poly, shows that the management of village-owned enterprises have not been running effectively and optimally. The lack of optimal management can be seen in the aspect of achieving goals, integration and adaptation shows that the programs and business units run by BUMDes have not been evenly felt by the people of Poly village, this is because there is still a lack of budget in the management of BUMDes so that it affects the purpose of BUMDes in adding business units. Integration aspects, at the socialization stage the formation of village business units has indeed been carried out but has not run optimally due to lack of community participation in the socialization process, so that some people do not know about BUMDes and what programs are being run. Adaptation aspect that the implementation of the BUMDes program in Poly Village is in accordance with the potential of the village, the majority of the population are farmers but have not fully utilized the potential of the existing village. Business units such as tunnel rentals, tractors, rice fertilizers, and rice pawns greatly help the community overcome difficulties in meeting their work needs at a more affordable cost. However, there are obstacles in the management and implementation of the program due to lack of knowledge and skills of BUMDes administrators and the community about the importance of BUMDes effectiveness for community welfare and village progress.</em></p>Misna WangsiNasir MangngasingM. Kafrawi Al-kafiah Samsu
Copyright (c) 2024 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies
2024-11-172024-11-17145158Implementasi Kebijakan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (Rth) Dalam Tata Kelola Ruang Di Kota Palu
<p><em>Green Open Space (RTH) is one of the important elements in urban development that functions to improve the quality of the environment and urban life. This study aims to analyze the role of RTH in supporting the balance of urban ecosystems and to evaluate the adequacy and distribution of RTH in spatial governance in Palu City. The methods used in this study are a qualitative approach with the purposive sampling method and Snowball Sampling with a total of 3 informants. The data used consisted of secondary data obtained from the Palu City Environmental Agency, as well as primary data obtained through direct observation and direct interviews with informants. Data analysis is carried out by data collection, data condensation, data display and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of the study show that Palu City has an RTH area that is still below the standards set by laws and regulations, which is at least 30% of the total city area. The uneven distribution of RTH between the downtown areas is due to the lack of perspective from OPD, lack of resources, and minimal community involvement in the implementation of this policy. This research also identifies potential areas that can be developed into new RTH to improve environmental quality and residents' welfare. Therefore, this study suggests the need for more effective policies in the management and planning of green open spaces in the future as well as the involvement of the role of the community that must be maximized.</em></p>Kelvin Gosal Thendy WardanaAbdul RivaiAndi Maman Firmansyah
Copyright (c) 2024 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies
2024-11-172024-11-17145966Pengembangan Objek Wisata Pantai Roto Di Desa Labuan Induk Kecamatan Labuan Kabupaten Donggala
<p>This study aims to determine the process of developing an environmentallybased roto beach tourist attraction in Labuan sub-district, donggala district by using George R. Terry's theory which includes aspects of planning, organizing, implementing, supervising. This research type is descriptive and the basis of research is qualitative. Data collection used is Observation, Interview, and Documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of this study show that the development efforts of Roto Beach have shown positive steps in considering sustainability, especially through the preparation of village regulations related to development and greening and the creation of a master plan. However, the constraints faced are limited financial resources. In the organizing aspect, there is an organizational structure that involves the local community through the formation of Tourism Awareness Groups (Pokdarwis) and environmental care groups, although further development is still needed in the economic aspect with the formation of tourism business groups. At the implementation stage, there is success in mobilizing local community participation in socio-cultural activities, although there are still challenges in economic recovery after the 2018 natural disaster and environmental awareness. Supervision of all aspects of development still requires improvement, particularly in maintaining a balance between tourism development and preservation of local values, waste management and beach cleanliness, and fair and sustainable distribution of economic benefits.</p>Fitra Lestari FitraSyahruddin HattabAgusta Sri Astuti
Copyright (c) 2024 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies
2024-11-172024-11-17146774Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pada Kantor Perusahaan Listrik Negara Kota Palu
<p><em>This study aims to determine how the management information sistem at the hammer city state electricity company office provides information on electricity outages and scheduling. The theory used in this research is Azhar Susanto (2013) which consists of 4 important elements in information sistem services, namely: accurate, relevant, timely and complete. The informants in this study were 6 (six) people. The method used is Descriptive Qualitative. Data collection techniques in this study using observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the management information sistem at the Palu City State Electricity Company Office in providing information on power outages is quite good, however, there are still problems with the accuracy and timeliness of the distribution of the power outage schedule. In the accurate aspect, there is a problem, namely the duration of the power outage that is not in accordance with the schedule that has been distributed by PLN Palu City and there is a delay in power outages that are not in accordance with the distributed schedule, then the timely aspect of the information on the schedule of power outages in the Palu City area is not running well. This can be seen from the applicable Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), namely the blackout schedule which should be distributed one week or at least three days before the blackout. However, in reality, there are still frequent power outages without any information. </em></p>Ahmad SadikSlamet RiadiSyarif Permana Salingkat
Copyright (c) 2024 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies
2024-11-172024-11-17147582Efektivitas Penerapan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Kearsipan Dinamis Terintegrasi Di Dinas Perpustakaan Dan Kearsipan Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah
<p><em>This study aims to determine the extent of the effectiveness of the Implementation of the Integrated Dynamic Archive Information System (SRIKANDI) Application at the Central Sulawesi Library and Archives Service. The theory used in this study is Duncan's theory in Richard M. Strees (1985) which says there are 3 indicators in effectiveness, namely Goal Achievement, Integration, and Adaptation. In this study, the method used is qualitative descriptive. Meanwhile, in this study there are 5 informants, namely employees from the Central Sulawesi Library and Archives Service.The results of this study show that the effectiveness of the Implementation of the Integrated Dynamic Archive Information System (SRIKANDI) Application at the Central Sulawesi Library and Archives Service has not been running optimally. Judging from several indicators, namely the achievement of goals, andthe nature of the implementation of the SRIKANDI application, there is still a mixture between the use of the SRIKANDI application and the use of paper (paperless) so that this application does not operate in accordance with its purpose, namely to improve the quality and accountability of archives and reduce the use of paper. From the aspect of integration, it has been running effectively where socialization/technical guidance has been carried out regularly and gradually, starting with the creation of accounts for SRIKANDI admins, in addition to that, assistance in the use of the SRIKANDI application is always carried out, aiming to directly guide archive managers and SRIKANDI admins. From the aspect of adaptation, judging from the facilities and infrastructure in the implementation of the SRIKANDI application in the Central Sulawesi Library and Archives Office, it is not enough because in terms of the WIFI network which is still lacking, because in accessing the SRIKANDI application, the factor needed in addition to the computer is a sufficient internet network.</em></p>Nurfadila Mahfud K. BajreiMuhammad Irfan MuftiErdiyansyah
Copyright (c) 2024 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies
2024-11-172024-11-17148390Strategi Badan Narkotika Nasional Dalam Penanganan Narkoba Di Kota Palu
<p><em>Drug abuse has become one of the most troubling phenomena, especially in the community, to help the government overcome the problem of drug dangers, and the increasingly uncontrolled illicit circulation of narcotics has made the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) form the National Narcotics Agency in Palu City. The purpose of this study is to find out how the management strategy in handling drugs at the national narcotics agency kora palu. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive method. By using kooten theory in salusu (2006) yairu organizational strategy (corporate strategy), program strategy (program strategy), resource support strategy (resource support strategy), institutional strategy (institutional strategy). The data collection is carried out by means of observation, interviews, and documentation to collect the data needed in the form of primary data and secondary data. The number of informants in this study is 3 (three) people. Based on the results of the study, it shows that strategic management in handling drugs at the National Narcotics Agency of Palu City. It has not gone well. From the aspect of organizational strategy (corporate strategy) in this case there is still a lack of socialization carried out by BNNK Palu about the importance of rehabilitation, but organizationally it has carried out counseling by empowering various schools and universities, Program strategies such as conducting counseling have not run optimally due to inadequate budget factors, resource support strategies (resourse support strategy) are already available resources, namely clinics, there are psychologists, doctors, and nurses are in the category of inadequate because they are not permanent employees of BNN, institutional strategies have collaborated between institutions related to the formation of a good school task force as well as community volunteers and students. </em></p>Anisa BaharMuhammad Irfan MuftiMuhammad Afandi
Copyright (c) 2024 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies