JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies <p><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies</span></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> adalah publikasi ilmiah yang terbit setiap 4 kali dalam setahun yakni pada bulan <strong>Februari, Mei, Agustus, November</strong><strong>.</strong> Jurnal ini menerima artikel yang relevan dengan isu-isu kepublikan seperti <strong>Kebijakan dan Manajemen Publik, Collaborative Governance, Desentralisasi dan Manajemen Bencana</strong>. JPS juga menjamin standar publikasi yang tinggi sehingga para akademisi, peneliti, praktisi di semua bidang mendapatkan ruang untuk berdiskusi teori-teori dan konseptual ilmu sosial secara terbuka. Semua naskah yang masuk akan melalui penilaian awal oleh Editor dan jika dianggap layak untuk dipertimbangkan lebih lanjut, akan melalui proses <em>peer-review.</em></span></p> Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Tadulako en-US JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies 3047-4019 COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE DALAM PEMBANGUNAN SISTEM PENGAIRAN PEDESAAN DI DESA BAKTI AGUNG KECAMATAN POSO PESISIR UTARA <p>Collaborative governance is a method of governance that directly involves stakeholders outside the government or state, oriented towards consensus and deliberation in the collective decision-making process aimed at creating or implementing public policies and public programs. This research aims to understand how community involvement in collaborative governance can contribute to the development of the water system in Bakti Agung Village, North Poso Coastal Region. This study employs a qualitative descriptive approach and utilizes purposive sampling techniques. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, literature study, and documentation. To gather data, this research involves five informants. The theory used is Ratner's (2012), which includes three indicators: Identification of Barriers and Opportunities, Debate Strategies to Influence, and Planning Collaborative Actions. The results of this study indicate that the poor rural irrigation system is caused by inadequate identification of obstacles and opportunities. Communication between the community and the government regarding the repair of damaged dams is still not well-established. Decision- making needs to be carefully considered in the collaboration process to address the needs and problems faced by farmers. To prevent recurring damage, a routine maintenance system is necessary to ensure the irrigation system is well-maintained. Improvements in irrigation infrastructure must include better and cleaner channels to reduce the risk of blockages due to waste and sedimentation.</p> ahmad rifai Syahruddin Hattab Agusta Sri Astuti Copyright (c) 2025 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 2 1 1 10 PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT DALAM PENYUSUNAN RENCANA PEMBANGUNAN DESA DI DESA TAMBAROBONE KECAMATAN BUNGKU UTARA KABUPATEN MOROWALI UTARA <p><em>This research aims to understand how community participation in the preparation of the Village Development Plan in Tambarobone Village, Bungku Utara District, North Morowali Regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques employed are observation, interviews, and documentation. The research location coincides with Tambarobone Village, Bungku Utara District, North Morowali Regency. The theory used in this research is the theory of Bintoro Tjokroamidjojo (2005:226), which consists of three aspects that influence community participation: Leadership Factor, Communication Factor, and Education Factor. </em><em>The research results show that from the aspect of leadership, the Tambarobone village government is doing well because it has made efforts to implement the concept of participatory planning. Similarly, from the aspect of communication, the Tambarobone village government has established good communication with the village community. Meanwhile, from the aspect of education, it is still quite good. This is because the relatively low level of education among the people in Tambarobone village affects community participation in development planning.</em></p> Ali Wijaksono Muzakir Tawil Muhammad Rapi Copyright (c) 2025 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 2 1 11 20 KUALITAS PELAYANAN ADMINISTRASI UMUM DI KANTOR KECAMATAN PALU TIMUR KOTA PALU <p><em>This study aims to determine how the quality of administrative services at the East Palu District Office of Palu City. The basis of this research is descriptive qualitative with 5 informants. Data collection techniques through informants accompanied by observation, interviews and documentation. The theory used in this study Ndraha (1999: 63) uses 4 dimensions including aspects of speed, accuracy, convenience and fairness. Based on the results of the study, administrative services in the sub-district office of the eastern hammer city of hammer city as a whole the results of each dimension of research based on theory have been categorized as pretty good. However, there are two aspects that are good, namely the accuracy dimension and the justice dimension, while there are aspects that are not good, namely the speed dimension and the convenience dimension. This is because the level of awareness of employees is still lacking so that it can be seen from, for example, facilities and infrastructure that are not fully supportive and also because of the lack of attention of employees to facilitate the collection of file requirements in management. Therefore, administrative services have not been very effective because all dimensions have not been maximized by the elements responsible for administrative services at the sub-district office of east hammer city.</em></p> Itma Muftia Ani Susanti Rachmad Copyright (c) 2025 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 2 1 21 28 INOVASI IDENTITAS KEPENDUDUKAN DIGITAL DI DINAS KEPENDUDUKAN DAN PENCATATAN SIPIL KOTA PALU <p>This research aims to find out the Innovation of Digital Population Identity at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Palu City. The research method used is Descriptive Qualitative, which provides a description of the phenomenon or focus of the problem being studied that occurs at the research location according to existing facts. The data collection techniques used are observation, in-depth informant interviews and documentation. The theory used in this study is the theory of Everett M. Rogers using five indicators, namely Relative Advantage, Compatibility, Complexity, Triability, Observability. Digital Population Identity Innovation has not gone well, where Digital Population Identity Innovation does not have advantages and more value so that it is considered still not good and has not provided a real solution to population administration services, has not succeeded in achieving the value of community needs and the demands of technological development and there are still people who experience difficulties, namely disruptions in the system that hinder the process and the ability of the community to understand a technology, the trial phase of the Digital Population Identity (IKD) application directly to the community in Palu City and the socialization carried out is not optimal. All forms of this problem need improvement so that in the future it can run well.</p> Julia Oxana Diwanti Slamet Riadi Syarif Permana Salingkat Copyright (c) 2025 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 2 1 29 36 AGENDA SETTING PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH PLASTIK DI KOTA PALU <p>This study aims to analyze and determine what actions were taken by the Environmental Service in the process of formulating Palu City Mayor Regulation Number 40 of 2021. The research method is a qualitative research method. The location of this research is at the Environmental Service. In this study, the analysis used is the Cobb and Elder theory which states 5 Agenda Setting concepts including Private Problems, Public Problems, Political Issues, Systemic Agendas, and Institutional Agendas. There were 2 informants in this study. The conclusion of this study is that research on waste management in Palu City shows that this problem has transformed from a personal issue to an urgent public issue. The increase in the amount of waste after a natural disaster requires the government to take more serious action. Active community participation through education programs and waste management has been the key to success in overcoming this problem. Although the policies that have been implemented show progress, challenges in the consistency of implementation and public understanding still need to be considered. With a systematic and collaborative approach, it is expected that waste management in Palu City can be more effective and sustainable.</p> Nanda Asri Aqiqah Putri Slamet Riadi Andi Maman Firmansyah Copyright (c) 2025 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 2 1 37 46 PERAN SATUAN POLISI PAMONG PRAJA DALAM MENERTIBKAN PEDAGANG KREATIF LAPANGAN DI PASAR INPRES MANONDA KOTA PALU <p><em>The aim of this research is to find out the extent of the role of the Civil Service Police Unit in controlling Creative Field Traders at the Manonda Inpres Market, Palu City. The basis of this research is descriptive qualitative. Data and material collection was carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. Interviews were conducted with 8 informants. The location of this research is at the Civil Service Police Unit Office and Manonda Inpres Market, Palu City. This research uses Sutarto's theory which includes: (1) Role Conceptions, (2) Role Expectations, (3) Role Implementation. The data analysis used in this research is Miles, Huberman and Saldana, including data collection, data condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research show that the role of the Civil Service Police Unit in controlling Creative Field Traders at the Manonda Inpres Market, Palu City has not been fully implemented well, which can be seen from 1 aspect that is implemented well and 2 aspects that are not implemented well starting from the Civil Service Police Unit have carried out control of the Creative Field Traders in accordance with the concept they prepared to carry out the control. It is the hope of the Civil Service Police Unit that Creative Field Traders comply with the applicable rules and regulations. The implementation of control is not yet running optimally because there are Creative Field Traders who are still violating existing rules and this has resulted in the expectations and implementation of control by the Civil Service Police Unit not going well.</em></p> Putri Ayu Suasa M. Kafrawi Al-Kafiah Samsu Copyright (c) 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 2 1 47 56 KUALITAS PELAYANAN PENCATATAN AKTA NIKAH DI KANTOR URUSAN AGAMA KECAMATAN PALU BARAT <p><em>This study uses qualitative descriptive research, this study attempts to reveal accurate and factual facts systematically about marriage certificate registration services at the Palu Barat District Religious Affairs Office. This study uses the taliziduhu ndraha theory with 4 (four) indicators, namely, speed, accuracy, convenience, and fairness. Data collection techniques are carried out through field research including observation, interviews, and documentation. There are 6 informants in this study. Data analysis used is data collection, data condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of research conducted using the taliziduhu ndraha theory from 4 indicators of the accuracy aspect, it can be said that it is not optimal because there are still frequent delays, not on time to come to the office, for example, the SOP states that at 07.30 must be in the office but in reality employees often experience delays. Then the other 3 aspects have been running optimally, namely the aspects of speed, convenience, and fairness.</em></p> Sitti Nurhalizah Daswati Mukarramah Copyright (c) 2025 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 2 1 57 66 KUALITAS PELAYANAN ADMINISTRASI KEPENDUDUKAN KELURAHAN TONDO KECAMATAN MANTIKULORE KOTA PALU <p><em>This study aims to find out the quality of population adminidtration services in tondo village, mantikulore district, palu city. The research method used is deskriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation.The location of this study coincides with the tondo village office, mantikulore district, palu city. The theory used in this study is the Zheithaml theory in Hardiansyah (2011:42) which consists of five aspects used in measuring service quality, the five aspects are Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Emphaty. Based on the research results, it shows that the quality of population administration services in tondo village, mantikulore district, palu city is still not optimal. Because there are 2 (two) aspects that hinder the success of the quality of service in tondo village, namely the Tangible aspect which is still inadequate related to the lack of employee work space, computers, printers and waiting chairs, And the Assurance aspect is also considered not optimal because employees do not provide a guarantee of timely completion because there are often obstacles when carrying out the service process to the community such as the signatory is not in the office or the computer cannot be used. While the other 3 (three) aspects are Reliability, Responsiveness, and Emphaty have been running well.</em></p> Ulpa Yunika Syahruddin Hattab Gita Farista Copyright (c) 2025 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 2 1 67 76 PENGARUH KUALITAS PELAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN MASYARAKAT PADA PUSAT KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT DI DESA KALEKE KECAMATAN DOLO BARAT KABUPATEN SIGI <p><em>This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of service quality on patient satisfaction at Kaleke Health Center located in Kaleke Village, West Dolo District. The data collected includes primary and secondary data. Data collection methods involve library research, observation, questionnaires, and documentation. To complete the data in this study, the researcher distributed questionnaires to 100 respondents with a total population of 2508 individuals. This research uses the Service Quality Theory by Parasuraman, Zeithhaml, and Berry (2011), and Patient Satisfaction from Boy S. Sabarguna (2008). The data analysis technique used is simple linear regression. Based on the research results, it is shown that the service quality variable has a positive effect on patient satisfaction at Kaleke Health Center in Kaleke Village, West Dolo District, as indicated by the F value being greater than the F table, with an F value of 116.817 and an R value of 0.737, which is in the interval indicating a "strong" influence. This means that if the quality of service changes, patient satisfaction will also experience a strong change.</em></p> Wanda Try Lestari Suasa Erdiyansyah Copyright (c) 2025 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 2 1 77 90 KINERJA PEMERINTAH DESA DI DESA KAMARORA B KECAMATAN NOKILALAKI KABUPATEN SIGI <p>His research aims to determine the performance of the Village Government in Kamarora B Village, Nokilalaki District, Sigi Regency. The research method used is Qualitative Descriptive, namely providing an overview of the phenomenon or focus of the problem being researched which occurs at the research location according to existing facts. The data collection techniques used were observation, in-depth informant interviews and documentation to collect the required data in the form of primary and secondary data. Meanwhile, there were 7 informants in this study, namely 3 people from the Kamarora B Village Government, 1 person from the Village Consultative Body, and 3 people from the Kamarora B Village Community. The theory used in this research is Agus Dwiyanto's theory where there are five indicators used In measuring the performance of the Village Government in Kamarora B Village, Nokilalaki District, Sigi Regency, the five indicators are Productivity, Service Quality, Responsiveness, Responsiveness and Accountability. Based on the research results, it shows that the performance of the Village Government in Kamarora B Village, Nokilalaki District, Sigi Regency, in general, its implementation is not optimal, can be seen in the Productivity Indicator, namely the use of village government time is still less than optimal, as evidenced by the development programmed by the Village Government in 2024 has not been carried out and there is a decline the amount of development realized by the Village Government between 2023 and 2024. Accountability Indicators can be seen that the Village Government is not fair in allocating development to each hamlet, while the Service Quality, Responsiveness and Responsibility Indicators are quite good in their implementation by the Village Government.</p> Wiliam Rodolfo Ntee Rizali Djaelangkara Richard F. Labiro Copyright (c) 2025 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 2 1 91 102 IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN STANDAR KESELAMATAN PELAYARAN DI KABUPATEN BANGGAI LAUT <p><em>This research aims to find out the title of the Implementation of Shipping Safety Standards Policy in Banggai Laut Regency. The theory used is Charles O. Jones. This type of research is descriptive research and the basis of the research used is qualitative. Informants were determined using purposive sampling with as many informants as possible 8 People. The data collection techniques used are observation, in-depth informal interviews and documentation to collect the required data in the form of primary and secondary data. Data analysis is carried out by reducing data, data modeling (data display), drawing/verifying conclusions. Data Validity Check Using Source Triangulation. The results of this research can be concluded that the implementation of the Shipping Safety Standards Policy in Banggai Laut Regency is hampered by a lack of human resources and inadequate safety equipment, even though there is a clear organizational structure. Effective policy implementation is highly dependent on the availability and quality of resources, requiring increased outreach and training to ensure that both personnel and the public have adequate safety information and equipment.</em></p> Aldi Sono Rizali Djaelangkara Yulizar Pramudika Tawil Copyright (c) 2025 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 2 1 103 112 IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN LAYANAN BADAN PENYELENGGARA JAMINAN SOSIAL KESEHATAN DI PUSKESMAS AMPIBABO KECAMATAN AMPIBABO KABUPATEN PARIGI MOUTONG <p><em>This study aims to determine the implementation of BPJS (Social Security Administration) Health service policy at Ampibabo Health Center, Ampibabo District, Parigi Moutong Regency. The researcher conducted the research using qualitative methods, while the type of research used in this study is descriptive research. The type of data consists of primary data and secondary data. Determination of informants using the Purposive technique. In addition, the data collection technique in this study through library research and field research with observation, interview, and documentation activities. The data analysis method according to Huberman (2014), data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. This study uses the policy implementation theory put forward by Edward III which consists of 4 aspects, namely communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. From the results of the study, the researcher concluded that the implementation of the BPJS (Social Security Administration) Health service policy at the Ampibabo Health Center, Ampibabo District, Parigi Moutong Regency has not been implemented optimally, this can be seen after going through the research process, with many problems that still occur, such as in the communication aspect, it is still not running optimally. Although communication between program implementers has been going well. The distribution of all information related to the program to the target group, in this case the community, is considered to be still not running optimally. Then from the aspect of resources, it is still not running optimally, this is caused by inadequate human resources, the Ampibabo Health Center does not have specialist doctors, and in addition, supporting facilities in the implementation of the BPJS (Social Security Administration) Health service policy at the Ampibabo Health Center are still inadequate.</em></p> Moh. Efendi Intam Kurnia fiki Ferianto Copyright (c) 2025 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 2 1 113 126 PELAYANAN KESEHATAN DI RUMAH SAKIT UMUM DAERAH PENDAU TAMBU KECAMATAN BALAESANG KABUPATEN DONGGALA <p><em>Public service is the provision of services or serving the needs of people or communities and organizations that have an interest in the organization, in accordance with the basic rules and procedures determined and aimed at providing satisfaction to service recipients. This study aims to find out the extent of health services at the Pendau Tambu Regional General Hospital, Balaesang District, Donggala Regency. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach with the Field Research method with a total of 5 informants. The data used consisted of secondary data obtained from Pendau Tambu Hospital, Balaesang District, Donggala Regency, as well as primary data obtained through direct observation and direct interviews with informants. Data analysis is carried out by data collection, data condensation, data display and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of the study show that services at Pendau Tambu Hospital, Balaesang District, Donggala Regency still encounter various obstacles. Starting with the encounter of problems in the Tangibles aspect , namely from the location of the hospital to the neatness of the employees in providing services, all of them experienced obstacles and were not optimal, and also the Realism aspect was still not optimal and encountered problems in the hospital, in the Responsiveness aspect it was quite satisfactory, while the Assurance aspectencountered a problem, namely that there was unclear information from the hospital to the patient, but for the education they had and the friendly nature had been maximized by the staff so that it could cause a feeling of security, and for Emphaty it was maximum. Therefore, this study suggests the need for a thorough evaluation and improvement from the Regional Government to the hospital, and the hospital needs innovation to improve the services of Pendau Tambu Hospital, Balaesang District, Donggala Regency in the future.</em></p> Muhammad Rialdi Suasa Muhammad Afandi Copyright (c) 2025 JPS: Journal of Publicness Studies 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 2 1 127 136